Forms, Documents and
Program Guides
This information is for providers offering street outreach, homeless prevention, rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing and includes the Written Standards that must be followed by recipients of HUD funding.
Forms are also available for non-HUD-funded organizations assisting clients with documenting homeless history or disability.
Homeless Status
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) programs provide permanent housing and supportive services to individuals and families with a disability, prioritizing those who are chronically homeless. PSH is designed to reintegrate this highly vulnerable population into the community by addressing their basic needs for housing and providing ongoing support.
Homelessness prevention includes various housing relocation and stabilization services and short- and medium-term rental assistance to help people avoid becoming homeless. ESG-funded prevention services should be targeted to those who have experienced homelessness or those most likely to become literally homeless without this assistance.
Rapid Rehousing (RRH)
Rapid re-housing programs provide short-term (up to three months) and medium-term (4-24 months) tenant-based rental assistance and supportive services to households experiencing homelessness. Assistance is tailored to the specific needs of each household.
Other Documents
HUD Guidance on RRH
Street Outreach
Street Outreach programs provide housing based case management for those who are unsheltered and are unwilling or unable to access services on their own. Outreach staff work to connect them with emergency shelter, housing, or other critical services.
Unsheltered Street Outreach Written Standards (Coming Soon)