Organization Name
Organization Address
Agency Director/CEO Name
Agency Director/CEO Email
Agency Director/CEO Phone Number
Contact Person Name
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
Is the applicant delinquent on any Federal debt?
Project Type
Rapid Rehousing
Permanent Supportive Housing
Joint TH-RRH
HMIS (only HMIS lead can apply)
Is this application for a Bonus Project?
If yes, is it Bonus or DV Bonus?
DV Bonus
Please list the counties your project will serve? (Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton, Jasper).
Describe your program’s population focus (include information such as any subpopulations, dedicated beds, and numbers expected to be served by population and subpopulation).
Describe experience in effectively utilizing federal funds including HUD grants and other public funding, including satisfactory drawdowns and performance for existing grant as evidenced by timely reimbursement of subrecipients (if applicable), regular drawdowns, timely resolution of monitoring findings, and timely submission of required reporting on existing grants.
Describe experience with utilizing a Housing Frist approach. Including 1) eligibility criteria; 2) process for accepting new clients: 3) process and criteria for exiting clients. Must demonstrate there are no preconditions to entry and the project has a process to address situations that may jeopardize housing to ensure that the project participation is terminated in only the most severe cases.
Describe how your agency and project will participate in Coordinated Entry? Describe details that would show your knowledge of how the system works and the staffing capacity to ensure your project is participating.
Describe your staffing capacity to ensure quality, accurate and timely data entry into HMIS.
What are the project’s strategies to improve System Performance Measures (length of time homeless, exits to permanent housing, increase income through employment, increase income through non-cash benefits).
Describe your experience working with the proposed population and in providing housing similar to that proposed in the application.
Describe your outreach efforts to reach potential participants; specifically, those population that are unlikely to access serves on their own.
Describe your eligibility requirements and efforts to reduce barriers to entry.
Describe the plan to assist clients to rapidly secure and maintain permanent housing that is safe, affordable, and acceptable to their needs.
Describe how clients will be assisted to increase employment and/or income and to maximize their ability to live independently.
Length of assistance provided with this project.
Explain how your project is cost-effective when projected cost per person served.
Describe plan for a rapid implementation of the program; how will the project be ready to begin. Provide detailed schedule of proposed activities for 60, 120 and 180 days after grant award.